حققت جامعة بغداد إنجازاً هاماً يضاف إلى إنجازاتها المميزة من خلال حصولها على المرتبة الاولى ضمن افضل الجامعات العراقية في إحصائية المستوعب العالمي Scopus الذي يعد قاعدة بيانات شاملة للبحوث والمقالات وبين هذا الإنجاز مستوى جهود وتفاني هذه المؤسسة في مجال البحوث والتميز الأكاديمي كما ويسلط الضوء على تأثيرها المتزايد في المجتمع الأكاديمي على مستوى العالم. ويعد عدد المقالات المنشورة في Scopus مقياسًا لمخرجات بحث المؤسسة وتأثيرها ، وهذا الإنجاز يدل على مساهمة جامعة بغداد في تطوير المعرفة وتحسين فهم العالم لمختلف مجالات الدراسة.

Top Iraqi Public Universities in Scopus in 2023 (up to 28/04/2023)

The list provided is a ranking of the top public universities in Iraq based on their knowledge productivity as measured by their number of publications indexed in the Scopus database published in 2023 (from 01/01/2023 to 28/4/2023). Scopus is a well-known database that indexes and tracks academic publications from all over the world, and is often used as a metric to evaluate the research productivity and impact of academic institutions.

The University of Baghdad, which is ranked first on the list, is the oldest and largest university in Iraq, and has a long history of academic excellence. The University of Technology, which is ranked second, is a specialized university that focuses on science and technology, and is known for its research in these areas.

The University of Mosul, which is ranked fifth on the list, has faced significant challenges in recent years due to political instability and conflict in the region. Despite these challenges, the university remains a significant contributor to the academic and scientific communities.

Overall, the list provides an insight into the academic landscape in Iraq, and highlights the achievements and contributions of these universities to the global knowledge community

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